Non-destructive Testing
- Ultrasonic testing of welds (UT)
With the use of flaw detectors we determine the size of laminations in steel plates. also, examine welded joints, location and size of defects and finally preparation of acceptable reports.
- Phased array (UT/PA)
UT/PA is widely used in several sectors, from power generation to construction industries. it is an advanced ndt method that uses ultrasonic technique to determine component quality and detect failure such as flaws or cracks in engineered materials.
- Magnetic particle testing (MPI)
Magnetic particle inspection is a ndt method used for detecting surface and near surface flaws and defects. mpi is fast and relatively easy to apply, and surface preparation is not as critical as it is for other ndt methods
- Dye penetrant testing (PT)
PT testing is a ndt method used to detect surface breaking defects in any nonporous material. liquid penetrant is applied to the surface and is drawn into defects by capillary action. once a preset dwell time has passed, excess penetrant is removed and developer applied to draw out penetrant from defects. visual inspection is then performed.
- Visual testing (VI)
- Noise survey
Noise survey is getting increased attention over offshore and onshore. high noise level leads to hearing impairment, hypertension, ischemic heart disease, annoyance, and sleep disturbance.